How to Get Token Listed on Exchanges — Step by Step Guide

Jun 9, 2023


16 min

How to Get Token Listed on Exchanges — Step by Step Guide

In the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies, the process of listing a token on an exchange raises many questions, such as how to choose an exchange, what to do and how much it costs to list a token. Listing on the exchange is a testament to the project's credibility, and it opens up the token to a broader market, potentially leading to increased liquidity and value. However, the path to achieving this milestone is often complex and fraught with challenges.

This article aims to demystify the process of token listing. We will provide a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to help you navigate this journey, from understanding the importance of choosing the right exchange to the intricacies of the listing process itself. Whether you're a blockchain startup looking to list your first token or an investor curious about the behind-the-scenes process, this guide is designed to provide valuable insights into the world of token listing.

What to Pay Attention to When Choosing a Crypto Exchange When Listing Your Token

Choosing the right crypto exchange for your token listing is a critical decision that can significantly impact the success of your token. It's not a decision to be taken lightly, and there are several key factors that you should consider to ensure you make the best choice.


The security of an exchange is paramount. You want to ensure that your token and the investments of your token holders are safe. Look for exchanges that employ robust security measures, such as two-factor authentication, cold storage, and encryption. Additionally, check the exchange's history for any past security breaches or issues. For instance, exchanges like Kraken and Binance are known for their strong security measures and transparency about their proof of reserves.

Trading Volume

The trading volume of an exchange is a good indicator of its popularity and liquidity. Higher volume often means more liquidity, which can lead to better trading conditions for your token. It's also a sign that the exchange has a large user base, which could potentially mean a larger market for your token. According to CoinMarketCap, there are over 528 cryptocurrency exchanges, each with varying volumes.


The reputation of an exchange can greatly influence the perception of your token. Listing your token on a reputable exchange can lend credibility to your project and increase investor confidence. You can gauge an exchange's reputation by looking at reviews, user feedback, and its track record in the industry. CoinMarketCap's Exchange Score can be a useful guide, as it examines factors like web traffic, liquidity, and volume.

Other Factors

Other factors to consider include the exchange's listing requirements, fees, user interface, customer support, and geographical restrictions. It's also beneficial to look at the other tokens listed on the exchange. An exchange that lists high-quality, reputable tokens may be a good fit for your token.

For example, if your goal is to get listed quickly, you might consider a decentralized exchange like Uniswap (DEX), which allows for a quick and painless listing process. However, if you're aiming for a top-tier exchange and have a substantial budget for listing fees (potentially in excess of $100,000- $1,000,000), you might target exchanges like Binance or Kraken (CEX).

Сhoosing the right crypto exchange for your token listing is a multifaceted decision that requires careful consideration. By paying attention to the factors mentioned above, you can make a more informed decision and increase the chances of your token's success. Or contact specialists for a consultation. 

Where to List the Token: on DEX or CEX?

In the realm of cryptocurrency exchanges, there are two primary types: Decentralized Exchanges (DEX) and Centralized Exchanges (CEX). Each type comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and understanding these can help you make an informed decision about where to list your token.

Decentralized Exchanges (DEX)

DEXs operate without a central authority, meaning trades occur directly between users in a peer-to-peer manner. This decentralization enhances privacy and reduces the risk of a single point of failure. However, DEXs typically have lower trading volumes and liquidity compared to CEXs. Examples of DEXs include Uniswap and SushiSwap.

Centralized Exchanges (CEX)

CEXs, on the other hand, are managed by a central authority (like a company or organization), which facilitates trades and holds users' funds. They often have higher trading volumes and liquidity, providing a more seamless trading experience. However, they are more susceptible to hacking due to the centralized storage of funds. Examples of CEXs include Binance and Coinbase.

Pros and Cons

DEXs offer increased privacy and control over funds, but they often lack the liquidity and user-friendly interfaces that CEXs provide. On the other hand, while CEXs offer high liquidity and are generally more user-friendly, they are more susceptible to hacks and often require users to relinquish control of their funds.Listing on CEX is quite expensive, with prices starting at $10,000.

Factors to Consider before listing on exchange 

When choosing between a DEX and a CEX for listing your token, consider the following factors:

User Base

CEXs generally have a larger user base, which could lead to more exposure for your token. However, DEXs are growing in popularity, particularly among users who value privacy and control over their funds.


CEXs typically have higher liquidity, which can lead to better trading conditions for your token.


While both types of exchanges have security measures in place, the decentralized nature of DEXs reduces the risk of a single point of failure.

Listing Process

The listing process for CEXs can be more rigorous and time-consuming, often requiring a substantial fee. DEXs, on the other hand, offer a more straightforward and often less expensive listing process.

The choice between a DEX and a CEX depends on your specific needs and priorities. By understanding the pros and cons of each, you can make a decision that best supports your token's success.

How to Work with a Crypto Listing Agency

Role of a Crypto Listing Agency

A crypto listing agency plays a crucial role in the process of getting a token listed on an exchange. These agencies are well-versed with various exchanges and have been working with them for a while. They assist projects in entering into negotiations with a particular exchange as quickly and beneficially as possible. They guide the projects through the process, ensuring that they get the best deal possible.

Benefits of Working with an Agency

Assistance in Choosing an Exchange

Agencies have a deep understanding of the market and can advise which exchange is better suited to the budget and requirements of the project. They can also guide on which exchanges to avoid.

Assistance in Getting a Good Price

Agencies have inside knowledge about the maximum discounts that exchanges can offer. They can negotiate a more attractive price for you.

Less Likely to Run into a Scam

Agencies work directly with the management of the exchange, minimizing the possibility of scams, phishing, or unscrupulous employees.

Assistance in Developing a Post-Listing Activity Plan

A good agency can help with developing and implementing a plan for a project after listing to maintain its token. This includes marketing/PR activities, market making, and attracting new community members.

How to Choose a Reliable Agency

When choosing a reliable agency, it's important to note that the agency should not charge you for consultation and negotiations with the exchange. If an agent asks you to pay for introducing you to the exchange, it's a red flag.

Also, understand how agents earn. They often take their “cut” by marking up the listing price of the exchange. However, some agencies share this commission with the project, which gives the project an extra discount in addition to the one negotiated by the agency.

Be wary of agencies that try to sneak in markups at every step and still get a success fee from both the exchange and the project. This can be quite impactful for startups with lean budgets, so it’s worthwhile to find a more profitable agent who won’t charge you at every little opportunity they get.

Working with a crypto listing agency can be highly beneficial for projects looking to get their token listed on an exchange. They provide valuable assistance and guidance throughout the process, ensuring that the project gets the best deal possible.

Listing Process: Completing & Submitting the Paperwork

Getting your token listed on an exchange involves a detailed paperwork process. Here's a condensed guide:

Prepare Your Token's Information

Gather all necessary information about your token, including its name, symbol, contract address, a detailed whitepaper, logo, and any other relevant information requested by the exchange.

Fill Out the Exchange's Application Form

Exchanges usually have a specific form for token listing applications. This form will require the information gathered in the first step, and may also ask for additional details about your token's community, marketing plans, and legal compliance.

Submit the Application Form

After filling out the application form, submit it through the exchange's website. Ensure all information is accurate to avoid delays.

Wait for the Exchange's Review

The exchange will review your application to determine if your token meets their listing criteria. This process can take from a few days to a few weeks.

Complete Any Additional Requirements

If your application is approved, the exchange may have additional requirements before listing your token. This could include paying a listing fee, providing additional documentation, or passing a security audit.

Each exchange has its own specific requirements and processes for listing a new token. It's important to research each exchange thoroughly and understand their listing process before submitting your application.


Navigating the process of getting a token listed on an exchange can be a complex journey, but with the right knowledge and preparation, it can be a rewarding experience. However, it's important to remember that getting listed is just the beginning. The real success lies in the continuous development of your project, maintaining transparency, and building a strong community.

Remember, each exchange has its own specific requirements and processes. Always do your research and understand these requirements before embarking on the listing process. With careful planning and preparation, you can increase the chances of your token's success. Feel free to write to our team  if you want advice on placing your token. Our specialists will answer any questions.

How long does token listing take?

It varies depending on the exchange and your token's specifics. It could take from a few days to several months, influenced by factors like application completeness, exchange's workload, and token's complexity.

What's the cost of token listing?

Costs vary widely. Some exchanges, especially DEXs, may allow free listings, while others, particularly top-tier exchanges, might charge substantial fees, potentially exceeding $10,000 - $100,000.

DEX vs CEX for token listing?

DEXs offer benefits like increased privacy and often lower fees but may lack liquidity and user base. CEXs provide a user-friendly experience, better support, and higher liquidity, but may charge higher fees and have stringent listing requirements.

How to increase listing chances?

Ensure a complete and accurate application, provide comprehensive information about your token, maintain a strong community, and choose an exchange aligning with your token's goals and values.

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