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Market Making FAQ

What is Market Making?

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Market Making is a comprehensive service of managing liquidity and facilitation of consistent trading flow on crypto markets through various torus strategies, algorithms and long-term planning.

What is the main purpose of Market Making?

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The main goal of MM is enhancing liquidity in exchanges and ensuring consistent trading volumes along with market stability.

How does Market Maker work?

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Market Makers use HFT trading algorithms to implement various trading strategies including spread management, arbitrage, price control, and more.

What are KPIs for evaluating the efficiency of Market Making?

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Key performance indicators (KPIs) include spread size, trading volume, market liquidity, and asset price stability.

How does Market Making help projects in the world of crypto?

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Market Making provides control over the price of market cap and circulating supply and develops a long-term strategy for the token's trading development.

Market Making FAQ

What is Influencer Marketing?

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This is a promotional strategy in which companies partner with influential personalities or bloggers to advertise their products or services. In the cryptocurrency context, this may include collaborating with crypto-enthusiasts or experts.

What is Growth Hacking?

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Growth Hacking involves employing innovative and creative strategies to foster the growth and expansion of a social media community. This may include viral marketing, partnerships with influencers in the cryptocurrency industry, crafting original and valuable content for the audience, and actively engaging with community members. The primary objective of Growth Hacking is to rapidly attract and retain the highest number of participants interested in the project.

How does Market Maker work?

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Market Makers use HFT trading algorithms to implement various trading strategies including spread management, arbitrage, price control, and more.

What is ICO/IEO marketing?

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ICO/IEO Marketing comprises a range of activities aimed at promoting an initial coin offering (ICO) or initial exchange offering (IEO). The main goal is to attract investors and increase the project's visibility.

What are the key KPIs for evaluating the effectiveness of a crypto project's marketing campaign?

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The main KPIs include visitor-to-investor conversion rate, cost of customer acquisition (CAC), return on advertising investment (ROI), and audience retention.

What tools can a crypto project use to attract users?

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Promoting a crypto project requires unique approaches and strategies, considering its specific nature and the competitive environment. Leveraging services such as Influence Marketing, Growth Hacking, Advertising, and PR, alongside effective marketing strategies for these services, positively impacts market capitalization, the number of buyers, active users and followers, crypto volume, and liquidity.

What aspects of the project can be impacted by a marketing campaign?

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A marketing campaign can profoundly influence the success of a crypto project by attracting investors, fostering trust, building a community, sustaining interest, and enhancing competitiveness.

Consulting FAQ

What is consulting in the context of crypto projects?

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Consulting for crypto projects entails a thorough examination and guidance on the project's roadmap, including an audit of all aspects of the project, ranging from tokenomics and fundraising to marketing campaigns and trading development.

Why do projects need cryptoproject consulting?

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Consulting helps in constructing a well-informed go to market strategy by using objective market data. This, in turn, assists the project in selecting optimal strategies to attract users and develop markets aligned with project goals.

What are the benefits of working with an adviser?

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Working with industry leaders allows projects to tap into a vast network and expertise, backed by validation from over 350 successful cases.

What does the consultation process involve?

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The process entails an initial free consultation with an expert, followed by the prioritization and development of a strategy, along with its step-by-step implementation.

Why is networking important?

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Projects gain credibility and access to cooperation with industry leaders to boost their market outreach.

Why is it crucial to engage experts in the development of tokenomics?

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Tokenomics considers and defines long term project development including user behavior and token value. Only well-designed tokenomics can be utilized to achieve sustainable project growth.

How to plan IDO?

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To conduct a successful IDO, projects need a comprehensive strategy of token allocation and marketing, as well as data-driven vesting schedules.

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